Monday, July 23, 2012

The Beginning of our Summer Olympic Unit!!

Today we have begun our class unit on the Summer Olympics. This is a unit that I have not been able to find much information about online so a lot of it I have had to come up with on my own! To begin with me have turned our Dramatic Play Area into a Gym/ Weightlifting Area for the children to explore.

Today we also read a book about the Olympics called Oympics! By; B.G. Hennessy and Pictures by: Michael Chesworth.

After reading through this book with the children we talked about the difference between the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. After our discussion the children were dismissed form the carpet by naming the Summer Olympic Sport they are most excited to see. After documenting their answers I decided to make a documentation chart showing the children's choices.

The picture above is the chart before the children's names were added. 

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