Friday, July 20, 2012

KABOOM!!!! Our classroom volcano!!!

The last month we have been talking about dinosaurs in our Preschool classroom. Along with lots of dinosaur books and figures for the children to play with we decided to make our very own VOLCANO!! The first step was to do some brain storming with the children about what they thought we would need as supplies to make the volcano. We had a long list mostly made up of paint, glue, paper, lava and rocks.  Then the children took turns drawing a picture of how our volcano might look and told us about their volcano!

The following day we began the process of building our class volcano! the first step was to attach a milk jug to the inside of a shallow cardboard box.
Next we used both one bowl of paper mache ( equal parts water and flour) and one bowl of liquid starch with newspaper to construct the outside of our volcano!

 Here is what our volcano looked liked after day one of construction!

After allowing the volcano to dry over night we decided it was time to give it some color! The children decided on using brown, green, and black paint to color the outside.

After letting the paint job on the volcano dry over night once again it was time to let it explode!!! We used the recipe on Science Bob's website (

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